Search Results
Thomas Rochais - Geometric Unification of Higgs Bundle Vacua - Part II
Variations of Hodge Structures of Rank Three k-Higgs Bundles, by Ronald Zúñiga-Rojas
Samson Shatashvili -- Higgs Bundles in Physics
Geometry of 6D SCFTs: Jonathan Heckman
September 28, 2019
Daxin Xu - Parallel transport for Higgs bundles over p-adic curves
The Swampland in d larger than 6 - Cumrun Vafa and Miguel Montero
Martin Ulirsch (Frankfurt)
Holography and the KKLT scenario
EFT strings and Quantum Gravity bounds in F-theory
On Coassociative ALE Fibrations and Higgs Bundles
Nikhil Raghuram - Orders of Vanishing and U(1) Charges in F-theory